In case you haven't heard...
I ain't dead!
On the contrary, I've been sharpening up my photoshop sabotage game. Whoa now.
But fer reals...Downtown Warehouse Mania. Arts, Musics, Fashions, Acupunctures (<-yeah that's level homeopathic destressification while you wait). I'll be there rocking as many tunes as possible. Sensual sounds, maybe even some dancefloor action if that pans out. Regardless, it's sounding pretty worthy of some sort of "Be there or Be square" type statement.
Also, ladies of the eve, my friend Oliver over at Solid Gold Rags is debutting his fall line of female apparel...basically some damn fine clothing to accentuate your sexy and rock people's worlds on the daily. Be sure to come by and check the catwalk for a sneak peak.
Oh yeah, you can dress up too.
I'll be rocking my "true colors". Don't be shy, say "Hello".
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