If it ain't baaaroque...
Well I got all stoked on sharing today after seing SSSR's 20 minute video done for Subtle's new cd/dvd, Wishingbone. It was on YouTube yesterday but now I go to link and nada. I guess the powers that be saw it and removed it. Damn. This whole information age vs. intellectual property thing is quite the fiasco, huh? Well anyway, it was way nuts and just bursting at the seams with creativity and you need to make it a point to track it down now.
Oh wait, one of the parts of it is actually the Fuck Kelly Osbourne vid...
Go on now...click it...
Yeah so if you dug on that at all, the rest was even better. Cell animation and CG and live video all coalescing into something way different and otherworldly (yet still tinged with political undertones). In fact, it's so solid, you'll actually be able to tune out that mad scientist circus act schtick that Dose One does. Sorry, but for reals, I can't hang. I've heard a lot of his stuff over the years (nutty instro's!) and he actually says some pretty crazy poetic things but I still can't deal with that creepy crawly rapid fire nasal shit. Oh well. To each his own. I'm claiming SSSR all the way on this one though, definately a talented visual collective to look out for. In fact, the full video has already won some prestigious British Animation Award for best music video. Them gills packed with skills.
Hey look, I found this too right now while I was rummaging for shit...this is actually kinda awesome...again definately on the fence with Why? (Hymie's Basement was the shit though) but the video is pretty sensitive guy creative and cuddly. It reminds me of Me and You and Everyone We Know, only in music video form. Best part is all those words and razors tumbling out that one pooch's mouth. Awww!!! Directed by Ravi Zupa.
Wow, and then I find this...Yip-Yip? Don't know too much about these guys, just sounds like some fuzzy lo-fi synth jams for wierdos, but on the visual tip...goddamn do these fools know a thing or two about seizure inducing insanity! This makes that Pokemon video that left all those poor little Japanese kids with scrambled circuitry look like um, well, Pokemon! (god, please don't leave that). Ok, how about, makes it look like child's play ::wink:: (Jesus...even lamer...you've got no trajectory today Scallz, no trajectory. Just stop typing and put Rubber Johnny up here or something and go take a nap).
Fine. Rubber Johnny it is. Just make sure it's night and your lights are turned off.
First time I saw this I was at an opera house in Italy. Warp was touring around Europe with the London Sinfonietta, re-interpreting Aphex Twin songs with an orchestra and other high brow shit. I remember watching the faces of all those affluent season ticket holder types who decided to come to the theatre for an elegant night of culture...sheer hoity-toity horror. About half the audience started wigging the fuck out and next thing you know people are leaving by the droves. I was busy cheering like crazy while taking schwaps from a handle of Jager we snuck in. It was awesome.
What else...oh yeah, obviously YouTube quality brings this down more than a notch, as shit is hyper-hyper detailed (slow mo it if you can), so I really would recommend the DVD, if only for the 40 page book of the most awfully twisted shit any human brain has mashed together at this point in history. I just found out that that whole sea of ballsacks and hairy appendages and teeth or whatever the fuck it is, is in fact all Chris Cunningham. What a nut. After looking at this and then his drawings, I start to get the feeling that dude's day to day mental activity must be something akin to getting in a severe car accident while peaking on acid. Just waaay too intense. Thanks for sharing though, mate!
But heeeey now! It's summertime! G'on now! Fuck that wierd shit! Beaches and BBQs, y'know! Poolside! Ay yo, spark that L! Summertime dro anthem!
Tyte Wurk - Mary Jane
And here's some borderline retarded nursery rhyme shit for for your guilty pleasure bin...fully primed to bounce around in your head all damn week.
Jibbs- Chain Hang Low
Oh yeah and a sneek peak of the MF Doom Ghostface collabo coming out in fall on Lex! Whatchu know about the epic string/horn combo?
DOOM & Ghostface- Angeles
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